Dr. Martin Brudermüller
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Mercedes-Benz Group AG
The ODDO BHF Young Entrepreneurs Awards (OYEA) aims to guide and support the winning startups through financial assistance and coaching from ODDO BHF Group experts and other specialists: Experienced entrepreneurs, business angels, media partners.
Rewards the most disruptive startups for their ability to stay ahead of the game thanks to their advanced problem-solving capabilities.
Rewards the favorite startup of our final jury. The prize will be awarded to the most appealing project to this demanding panel.
Rewards a project for its social and/or environmental commitment and whose business model is designed to address current issues with measurable impact.
Rewards the startup selected by the audience present at the Awards ceremony, out of the ten final pitching entrepreneurs.
Rewarding the best entrepreneurial project founded or co-founded by at least one woman.