Hélène Auriol Potier
Corporate Board director and Senior Advisor in Digital Technologies at Warburg Pincus
ODDO BHF Young entrepreneurs Awards
True to the entrepreneurial values that underpin its success, the independent European financial group ODDO BHF is turning the spotlight on the most promising incubated start-ups in France, Germany and Switzerland. The aim of the ODDO BHF YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS AWARDS is to guide and support the winning start-ups through financial assistance, and coaching from ODDO BHF Group experts and specialists: experienced entrepreneurs, business angels, media partners, etc.
Key figures 2024
Rewards the most disruptive startup for its ability to stay ahead of the game thanks to its advanced problem-solving capabilities.
Rewards a project for its social and/or environmental commitment and whose business model is designed to address current issues with measurable impact.
Rewards a young startup demonstrating a high potential for future success.
Rewards the startup selected by the audience present at the Awards ceremony, out of the ten final pitching entrepreneurs.
Rewarding the best entrepreneurial project founded or co-founded by at least one woman. This prize is co-organised with Ladies Bank, the committed community that takes a feminine perspective on investment and wealth management.
Rewards the favorite startup of our final jury. The prize will be awarded to the most appealing project to this demanding panel.
A check worth between €5,000 and €20,000 depending on the award.
A personalised coaching in wealth structuring and investment by ODDO BHF Private Banking experts.
An increased visibility thanks to multiple media relays around the Awards, including a podcast or an interview with one of our media partners.
Privileged access to the entire ODDO BHF network, including certain clients and potential investors.
2025 Final jury
Corporate Board director and Senior Advisor in Digital Technologies at Warburg Pincus
CEO Siemens France
COO of Andromède
Vice-Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Rémy Cointreau
Co-founder and CEO, Leocare
Co-Chairman Entrepreneur of France Digitale
Frédéric Mazzella is Chairman and Founder of BlaBlaCar and Dift.
General Partner of ODDO BHF
Partner incubators
4Elements is a high-impact deeptech start-up studio dedicated to the ecological transition. Their mission is to set up and finance start-ups based on technologies developed in research laboratories, or to join early-stage startups as partners.
Antler is the investor backing the world’s most driven founders, from day zero to greatness.
Arts et Métiers incubator
The first venture capital company designed to support impact entrepreneurs from seed and over the long term. We finance innovations that generate lasting change by driving an entire industry towards better practices.
The Biotech'InnLab hosts projects in the field of biotechnology (the use of living organisms - bacteria, yeast, fungi, plant cells - to produce molecules of interest), which have an impact and are responsible, sharing strong common values: from local to zero waste, or the valorization of agricultural or industrial by-products in a circular economy approach.
EDHEC Entrepreneurs
EM Lyon Business School incubator
EPFL Innovation Park
Blue factory
ESSEC Ventures
The Farm'InnLab supports startups and companies in the AgTech sector, innovating in animal production, plant production or on-farm energy production. It enables them to test, trial and improve new equipment (machines, robots, tools, buildings, sensors), inputs (fertilizers, active ingredients, feed, additives) or models/software to support agricultural production.
Fondation Inartis runs different programmes such as the labs & coworking spaces UniverCité and Espace Creation, the startup accelerator MassChallenge Switzerland, the life science cluster of the Health Valley, and Inartis Network which is supported by the Swiss Confederation.
The Food'InnLab is a third-party space dedicated to FoodTech, hosting innovative projects in the field of food or sustainable nutrition. Hosted structures have access to workspaces to stimulate their creativity, as well as an experimental kitchen and a laboratory equipped with analysis instruments to prototype and test their products.
The Forest'InnLab is a collaborative laboratory for creating, experimenting and deploying innovative solutions focused on the user, the territory and the environment, to meet forestry challenges. The Forest'InnLab is based on the living lab model (user-centered design) and the open innovation model, with players from the quadruple helix (government, civil society, industry, academia).
Greenpact is a Startup Studio founded by a passionate team of entrepreneurs and experts and focused on the creation and development of innovative projects in the field of ecological transition such as Ener-Pacte, Solar Care, Bluefins and 4Elements.
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre – HEC Paris
The HUB Entrepreneurship and Innovation of UNIL has one mission : to support the entrepreneurial spirit at the service of the ecological, economic and social transition.
The Incubateur du Barreau de Paris supports selected lawyers in the development of their innovative legal solutions by providing them with an intensive, personalised three-month programme. The program is combining training, mentoring and collaboration. Its aim is to transform innovative ideas into practical solutions adapted to the new challenges faced by the law and the needs of litigants.
Paca-Est advises innovative entrepreneurs in the Alpes-Maritimes and the Var.
Perqo is the incubator of the Ile-de-France region, in partnership with Schoolab and 21 Croix-Rouge Française. It supports projects with a social and environmental impact in the fields of sport, disability and ecological transition.
PACA | Paris
The incubator created by Maurice Lévy for all entrepreneurs who lack a network, training or financing
The Les Déterminés association promotes initiative and entrepreneurship in suburban and rural areas. It trains and supports entrepreneurs from the idea to the first euros of sales.
The 1st incubator dedicated to making women entrepreneurs and inclusive/joint teams succeed.
Neuilly-sur-Seine, Ile de France
Sciences Po Centre for Entrepreneurship
SKEMA Entrepreneurs, is SKEMA Business School incubator, providing support to students and alumni who want to start a business.
First and only global aerospace accelerator, offering a variety of programs for entrepreneurs at different stages of growth.
Start You Up, an emblematic initiative of August Debouzy's commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship, offers one year's personalised legal assistance to support young innovative companies.
IMT Starter - Business through Innovation
Schoolab is an innovation studio that helps you design brighter future.
The Time2Start incubator helps entrepreneurs, mainly from diverse backgrounds, to structure their projects and accelerate their activities. Time2start offers various support programs and a financing fund.
Founded by former entrepreneurs, Tomcat is an investment fund and accelerator. It aims to invest in promising projects and offer entrepreneurs everything they need: support, financing, community, recruitment.
Paris-Dauphine Incubator
To support women, all women, in their desire to undertake and innovate. To inspire, motivate and train them.
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