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winners 2024

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Winners 2024

The great winners of the 2024 edition

The ODDO BHF Young Entrepreneurs Awards program (OYEA) aims to guide and support the winning startups through financial assistance and coaching from ODDO BHF Group experts and other specialists: experienced entrepreneurs, business angels, media partners...

In 2024, five startups were rewarded for their vision, audacity and culture of innovation at Station F in front of a panel of 350 guests. Congratulations to Istya, Wyes, Qweeko, Beink Dream and Alternative Innovation!

Incentive award:

Supported by Station F

Istya optimizes air quality and energy management thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

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Innovation award:

Incubated by Paris Dauphine, Station F & Act For Impact by BNP Paribas

Wyes gives people who are completely paralyzed the opportunity to communicate thanks to connected glasses.

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Social and environmental award:

Incubated by EDHEC Entrepreneurs & TomCat

Qweeko automates life cycle analysis of electrical and electronic and electronic products.

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Women entrepreneurship award:

Incubated by The School Lab, Station F, Willa & SCAI Sorbonne Center of Artificial Intelligence

Beink Dream turns creative ideas into realistic representations thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

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Jury’s award:

Incubated by Biotech’InnLab by AgroParisTech, Innovact & Quest for Change

Alternative Innovation replaces leather and petro-sourced plastics with a responsible alternative natural bio-resin.

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Public award:

Incubated by Paris Dauphine, Station F & Act For Impact by BNP Paribas

Wyes gives people who are completely paralyzed the opportunity to communicate thanks to connected glasses.

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2023 winners

Because loyalty is one of our values, (re)discover the 4 winning start-ups of the 2023 edition and their latest news.

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